Upcoming activities:
Preparing to several exhibitions and special projects in Multimedia Art Museum MAMM http://www.mamm-mdf.ru/en/ in 2021 and preparation of the main exhibition building of the Popov foundation.
Current news:

Supported Artist Evgeny Antufiev won the award in the nomination "Project of the Year" at the Kandinsky Prize http://www.kandinsky-prize.ru/premiya-kandinskogo-ob-yavila-pobeditelej-2019-goda/
Participation for official VIP program of Russian contemporary art fair Cosmoscow 2019, private tours to foundation http://cosmoscow.com/ru/
Participation for an exhibition "Metamorphosis. Art in Europe Now" at the Fondation Cartier. An exhibition that explores the diversity and vitality of the European artistic scene today. From April 4 to June 16, 2019 https://www.fondationcartier.com/en/exhibitions/jeunes-artistes-en-europe-les-metamorphoses
Participation for an exhibition “Evgeny Antufiev and Dmitry Krasnopevtsev. When art becomes part of the landscape. Part 3" in MAMM Moscow, http://www.mamm-mdf.ru/en/exhibitions/dialogue-when-art-became-part-of-landscape-part-iii/
Participation for official VIP program of Russian contemporary art fair Cosmoscow 2018, exhibition, Art Forum, private tours to foundation http://cosmoscow.com/ru/
Participation for an exhibition Rinat Voligamsi "Rinat Voligamsi. Dvogorsk" in Moscow MOMA Museum, 12 February 2018 - 18 March 2018 http://www.mmoma.ru/en/
Collaboration with BVLGARI High jewelry and Popov foundation for the exhibition of works of high jewelry and major artworks of the world from the collection of Popov foundation – September – October, 2017
Participation for an exhibition "Co–thinkers" in Boris Yeltsin Museum http://yeltsin.ru/
Participation in the VIP programme of the 5th-anniversary edition of Cosmoscow, Russia’s only international contemporary art fair and exhibition during fair Cosmoscow “Collector’s eye” https://vip.cosmoscow.com/en/program/?#openModal-1490
Participation for an exhibition "Co–thinkers" in the museum Garage http://garagemca.org/en/event/co-thinkers
Participation for VIP program of Russian contemporary art fair Cosmoscow 2016, exhibition, Art Forum, private tours and preparing catalog of the fair http://cosmoscow.com/ru/
Preparing for a second Street Art Biennale Artmossphere in 2016 year http://www.artmossphere.ru/
Participation in the exhibition in Saatchi Gallery London, 13th January - 28th February 2016, new project by Aidan Salakhova "Revelations" curated by Jenny Christensson http://www.saatchigallery.com/current/revelations.php
Participation in the exhibition Russian contemporary art fair Cosmoscow “If I could… From an imaginary past to a certain future,”
Participation in the exhibition in Moscow Museum of Modern Art, The Immortality Forever project, by Evgeny Antufiev, a winner of the 2009 Kandinsky Prize